Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sports- A gateway to self-exploration

Sports is omnipresent, and an essential part of our lives. Everybody has a favorite sport, which they love to play, watch and follow.

Getting a chance to indulge in the sport at a professional level is like a dream for any enthusiast.  Obviously, sports are great for the physical well-being of any individual, but the benefits are not limited to just that. There is a profuse level of mental involvement, which is also needed, which is why playing sports makes for a great mental exercise.

In fact, sport is a great way to explore your overall hidden potential.
For example, you get to meet with people from different lifestyles that share the same interest ad you, in the form of their love for a particular sport. Sports add much weightage to one’s social life and help one explore new traits of his personality that he was not even aware of.

Sports help us realize our potential- There’s a lot more to everyone that meets the eye at first. While what we learn during training is mostly limited to a field of application that mere encompasses the playground, it does leave us better versed with the outer limit of what our body and mind deems, ‘possible’.

Sports teach us endurance- Endurance is the key to success. You would get knocked down every day of your life is some way or the other, but as long as you get back on your feet, it makes everything ok. Sports teaches this better than anything else

Sports teach us how to accept defeat- You will not succeed in everything you try your hands on. It is important to remain within your wits in such situations and act rationally, within good conduct. If you join a Tennis Clubs in Ct or any such sports club, you would learn to accept both victory and defeat graciously.

Sports gives our lives a sense of direction- Playing sports, especially at a professional level, puts gets you going in a certain direction that is forward. There are always certain goals and aspirations that you look forward to, tournaments you want to play in, and most importantly, achievements, you want to unlock. This keeps you focused, and teaches you the value of the same.

1 comment:

  1. Richard, Really enjoyed reading this post. Would like to share it with the Mental Skills In Sports community on google+.
